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FLUXIM AG - Simulation Software and Instruments for LED and Solar cell researchers

Tutorial OLEDs: Characterization and Simulation

Tutorial Organic and Perovskite Solar Cells: Characterization and Simulation

FLUXiM Videos (视频介绍及下载):

01 - Prof. Beat Ruhstaller 介绍 Setfos模拟软件Drift/Diffusion电学模拟原理Carrier, Exciton Modelling ,TTA,TPQ and TADF应用.


02 - Prof. Beat Ruhstaller 介绍 Setfos模拟软件Emission, Advanced Optics光学模拟原理Dipole Modelling and 发光分子Orientation /Distribution, Birefringence , Scattering and Color filter/PET Film/封裝应用 .


03 - Prof. Beat Ruhstaller 介绍 多功能量测系统Paios和Setfos的整合SPI and Global Fitting,包括CELIV,TEL,DIT,C-f/C-v阻抗,低溫及老化測試应用.


04 - Prof. Beat Ruhstaller 介绍 LAOSS模拟软件1D+2D 電热Modeling,基於IV曲線對OLED/OPV 大面积优化及pixel Cross-Talk 模擬.


05- Prof Beat Ruhstaller 介绍Fluxim 最新产品Phelos for OLED PL,EL量测以及有机材料分子方向性,分子分部情况等参数的提取


06- Dr.Stephane Altazin详细介绍Setfos模拟软件Advanced Optics散射模Scattered layers OLED simulation measurement and optimization


07- Dr. Martin Neukom深入介绍多功能量测设备Paios for第三代光伏器件量测以及性能分析和参数提取,包括Photo CELIV, IMPS, DLTS, TPV/TPC, Charge Extraction, Trap-Emission Current等.SEPV 2018


08- Dr.Simon Züfle深入介绍通过Paios和Setfos搭配应用分析有机太阳能电池老化原因


09-Setfos OLED Simulations Introduction and Tutorial (2)  

Prof. Beat Ruhstaller /Dr. Sandra Jenatsch介绍 Setfos仿真软件应用于OLED时,如何藉由Emission, Advanced Optics, Drift/Diffusion功能来优化OLED发光效率。


10-Setfos PV Simulations Introduction and Tutorial (1)

Prof. Beat Ruhstaller/Dr. Sandra Jenatsch 介绍 Setfos仿真软件应用于OPV/PSC有机/钙钛矿太阳能电池和迭层结构时,如何藉由Absorption, Advanced Optics光学仿真原理和Drift/Diffusion电学仿真原理等功能来优化。


11-Reliable Electrical Characterization and Modelling of Organic LEDs and Solar Cells B. Ruhstaller

Prof. Beat Ruhstaller介绍如何使用Setfos的可靠模型分析OLED/OPV/PSC 掺杂和内部介面各种特性。


12-Paios PV(O)LED Measurement Platform Introduction and Tutorial

Dr. Martin Neukom介绍如何使用Paios利用SPI for OPV /PSC/OLED,并示范如何快速获得实验比较结果和Global FIT


13-Angular luminescence spectroscopy B. Blülle

Dr.BalthasarBlülle介绍新开发的角度光谱Phelos PL/EL,从角度分析发光分子方向性说明如何量测与分析OLED emitter orientation an QD down-conversion films


14-Laoss PV&(O)LED Electric Simulations - (1) Introduction

Prof. Beat Ruhstaller介绍Laoss大面积器件(OLED, thin-film PV)仿真软件


15-Laoss PV&(O)LED Electric Simulations - (2) Tutorial

Prof. Beat Ruhstaller示范教学Laoss大面积器件模拟PV device优化Metal finger width


16-Laoss PV&(O)LED Optical and Thermal Simulations Introduction and Tutorial (3)

Prof. Beat Ruhstaller介绍Laoss PV&(O)LED仿真软件 并示范electro-thermal coupling应用方式


17-Device Performance and Degradation Analysis of a Sky-Blue TADF-OLED, S. Jenatsch

Dr. Sandra Jenatsch介绍透过Phelos仪器与Setfos仿真软件来分析 Sky-Blue TADF-OLED


18-The use of polar OLEDs for parameter analysis, S.Züfle

Dr.Simon Züfle介绍透过分析bilayer OLEDs来使用CELIV方法以及阻抗量测来确认迁移率与注入的热活化能


19-The Quest for Stability of Perovskite Solar Cells K. Domanski

Dr. Konrad Domanski介绍钙钛矿电池,探讨与分析不同的实验条件和控制那些参数会如何影响钙钛矿电池的衰老现象


20-Opto-Electronic Characterization of Third Generation Solar Cells M. Neukom

Dr. Martin Neukom介绍多功能量测设备Paios for第三代光伏器件量测以及性能分析和参数提取并且探讨非理想下电荷注入障碍..等等情况


21-Time-Dependent P-I-N Structure and Emission Zone in Sandwich Type LECs S.Jenatsch

Dr. Sandra Jenatsch 介绍探讨针对Sandwich Type LECs(light-emitting electrochemical cells)  P-I-N 结构量测方法