


 Wide Range Tracer MP-160      


I-V Characteristics of wide variety                    

of PV devices measuring.   
Portable Checker MP-170                                      

 Measures I-V characteristics of

PV module/array up to 10kW (600V, 20A),

 easily and on-site.



Laboratory Use LS-100  



Measures spectral distribution of                      
artificial light source used for                               
developing/manufacturing PV cells.
 ISO Class MS-802/402/601
Measures solar irradiance  
with high precision. 
DSC Evaluation System PSL-100


Using the method of Stepped Light - Induced transient
Measurement of PhotoCurrent and Voltage (SLIM-PCV)
STR-21   STR-22
Wide Range Tracer  MP-160
MS-710 MS-712
Wide Range Tracer  MP-160
de Range Tracer  MP-160